February 25, 2016

How to prepare to fix your windshield with a repair kit

Purchase a repair kit straddle windshield. You can buy a windshield repair kit in an auto parts store, a department store or online. Ideally, choose one that has a nozzle “type bridge” that adheres to the glass using suction cups. These are more stable than syringe injectors. The injector should also include a suction system to remove air from the cracks while reparation.

Almost all repair kits have similar components and operate in the same way; however, it is a good idea to read the instructions that come with the kit to test for special requirements.

Plan to use sunlight or an ultraviolet lamp. You will fill the crack with a resin cured with ultraviolet light needs. If you cannot wait for a sunny day, you’ll need an ultraviolet light to complete the repair.

If your car is parked in the sun, give shadow to the windshield until you’re ready for curing. This allows you to proceed at a leisurely pace.

Remove the broken glass. Use thin object to gently remove small fragments of glass metal impact points. To this end, some kits include a glass extractor.

Use gloves when handling broken glass.

Clean and dry your windshield. The windscreen must be completely dry before starting. If there is some dust in the cracks (which is usually well), clean it with a vacuum cleaner or a small amount of acetone or a lighter fluid amount. [10] If the glass is wet, dry it with a dryer.