November 30, 2017

How to clean a blurry windshield

The glass of the fuzzy windshield can make you feel like you’re driving through the fog, even in clear driving conditions. Dirt from the road or deposits of other vehicles accumulate on the windshields and cause problems if you do not clean them.

The dirt on your windshield is not just dirt; can contain salt, tar, sap, oil and other auto liquids. This layer of film is a safety hazard during inclement weather, when a few drops of rain transform the mixture into toxic sludge. Make an effort to stay safe by cleaning your windshield and other car windows at least once a month.


  1. Spray the exterior of the windshield and windows with a degreasing detergent and water. The glass of the car is exposed to oily and sticky contaminants that glass cleaners can have a hard time penetrating. Rub the glass with a soft cloth. Wash your car and rinse it with clean water.
  2. Fill a bottle with 1/3 spray with white vinegar. Fill the remaining 2/3 with distilled water. Tap water may contain chemicals that cause glass to scratch. Add a detergent cap or neutral pH cleaner. Shake the bottle of homemade glass cleaner to mix the ingredients.
  3. Spray the glass cleaner on the windshield and clean it with newspaper. Clean from the top of the windscreen to the base with ample movements. Work on the outside of the glass and go inside, working on one window at a time. The newspaper has a polishing effect on glass and mirrored surfaces.
  4. Spray an auto glass wax, such as those made by Rain, Aquarelle or Glass Science, on the outside of your windows. Polish the wax through the windshield with a circular motion. Glass wax allows rain to flow from the windshield into streams. Apply this product to exterior lights and mirrors for improved visibility during storms.
  5. Polish and dry the glass with a microfiber towel. These towels are free of lint and will not scratch the surface of the car’s glass.

Tips & Warnings

  • Clean your windshield in a shaded area to prevent the glass cleaner from scratching.
  • Detail your last interior glass to avoid contaminating the haze from other cleaning products.
  • Some glass cleaners contain ammonia that dries the inside surfaces and releases hazardous fumes when heated.
  • Ammonia-based glass cleaner should not be used in secondary market window tinting.